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Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 50mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100
Even though her hand got cut of I really liked the composition of this shot
Even though her hand got cut of I really liked the composition of this shot

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 85mmAperture: F5.6Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 50

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/160 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 1600

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 85mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 85mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/60 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 1600

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 50mmAperture: F4.5Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 50

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 50mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4GSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100

Kamera: NIKON D4Focal length: 135mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2DSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100