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17:54 5635, Inga kommentarer
Midsommarafton firas ute i stugan, dåligt väder hela dagen men framåt kvällen så kom solen fram så vi passade på att ta lite bilder medan ljuset var som mest magiskt
Mother & Daughter
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 135mmAperture: F2Exposure: 1/1600 sLens: AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2DSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 320
Looking for something
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 135mmAperture: F2Exposure: 1/1600 sLens: AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2DSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 320
Summer girl
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 135mmAperture: F4Exposure: 1/640 sLens: AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2DSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100
In the grass field
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 135mmAperture: F4Exposure: 1/250 sLens: AF DC-Nikkor 135mm f/2DSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 100
Queen of the forest
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 24mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/40 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 800
Woof fairy
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 70mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/40 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 800
Waiting for someone
Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 70mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/125 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 800