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17:25 3033, Inga kommentarer
I decided to go out to the waterline and shot some pics of the city skyline, but as it turned out, way out on the jetty the wind was pretty brisk, so my superzoom lenses had a hard time keeping up.
These were the ones I decided to keep, not because they were good, but because they may be good to compare against once I get out there on a more calm night.
Blurry water
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F1.4Exposure: 1/10 sLens: 50.0 mm f/1.4Software: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 4000
Blurry water
In the camera, this shot looked really nice, but when exported I see how unfocused it really is. It's really hard to make this work due to the long exposure and shaky camera
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 220mmAperture: F5.6Exposure: 1/10 sLens: 150.0-500.0 mm f/5.0-6.3Software: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 4000
One of the few shots that weren't too shaky, but still not really usable. The high ISO gave too much noise and the lens had a hard time finding something to focus on
Moonlit sky
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 200mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/25 sLens: 70.0-200.0 mm f/2.8Software: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 2500
Moonlit sky
I had hoped the clouds would have added more of a 3D effect to the composition, but the contrasts are a bit too high unfortunately
Long in the tooth
Kamera: NIKON D3SFocal length: 50mmAperture: F10Exposure: 25 sLens: 50.0 mm f/1.4Software: Aperture 3.4.5ISO: 800
Long in the tooth
This was a 25s exposure taken further in on the bridge which meant that there was less wind so better chance to capture something. It's not perfect, but it's probably the one I like the most