On my way out to a friend, there was a very expressive sky and awesome light, so I had to stop and take some photos.

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 24mmAperture: F16Exposure: 1/400 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 200
Sunny landscape
Sunny landscape

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 24mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/500 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 200
Dangerous clouds
Some clouds towering over and unsuspecting house
Some clouds towering over and unsuspecting house

The light of god
I?m not a religious man, but this was quite the view
I?m not a religious man, but this was quite the view

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 14mmAperture: F10Exposure: 1/1000 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 200
The long way home
From a perilous journey
From a perilous journey

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 24mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/320 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 200
Lonely tree
a lonely tree by the side of the road
a lonely tree by the side of the road

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 70mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/3 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 250
A graveyard late at night
A graveyard late at night

Kamera: NIKON D800EFocal length: 70mmAperture: F2.8Exposure: 1/30 sLens: AF-S Zoom-Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G EDSoftware: Aperture 3.5.1ISO: 2500
Bunny ears!
I found a bunny sitting in the graveyeard, it was kind of poetic
I found a bunny sitting in the graveyeard, it was kind of poetic